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Version: 0.4.14

Setting Up Dedicated Servers for Xbox

This page describes how to set up dedicated servers for Xbox.

Servers set up using these steps will be able to accept connections from the Xbox Series X version, Xbox Series S version, Xbox One version, and the Windows PC version downloaded from the Microsoft Store.
However, please note that cross-play with the Steam version is not possible at this time.

Setting Up Steam and Download Server

The procedure is the same as in Deploy dedicated server.
Additionally, using SteamCMD allows you to set up the server without creating an account.

Changing the Dedicated Server Settings to Allow Connections

The default settings are for the Steam version, so change these settings to allow connections.
First, to generate the target configuration file, start the dedicated server once and then stop it.

Once the server has stopped, make the following changes.

Write the following content in steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\PalWorldSettings.ini and save the file.


For other settings, refer to Configuration file.

Starting the Dedicated Server

Use the following steps to start the server.

Note that on Xbox, you cannot connect by entering an IP address.
Therefore, if Xbox users want to join, Configure as a community server then ask players to join from the community server list.

Move to the directory where the server was downloaded. Typically it is under the directory where SteamCMD was installed.

cd .\steamapps\common\PalServer

Execute PalServer.exe to start the server.
